
Peak season

Low season

Double room with

46,00 € - 50,00 €

42,00 € - 45,00 €


Informations to the double roomes:

The prices are meant per person/day.
A local tax of € 2,40 per person and day will be applied. Children under the age of 14 are exempted from the local tax.
You can use all public transport in the Ahrntal valley free of charge!

Reduction for childreen:
until 1 year                 free of charge
from 1 to 2 years        70% reduction
from 3 to 5 years        50% reduction
from 6 to 12 years      30% reduction

Single bed room extra charge:
10,00-20,00 € per day

Pets are not permitted.

Arrival - Departure:
Your room is ready for occupation at 13 o’clock of the day of arrival.

On the day of departure we ask you to make the room accessible until 11 a.m. at the latest.

Your reservation become valid, when we recived your deposit of 100,00 € per room. Please transfer the money on this account:
Südtiroler Volksbank (Banca Popolare dell' Alto Adige)
Account number:   0010-1228967
IBAN:                   IT59 H058 5658 2400 1057 1228 967
BIC:           BPAAIT2B010

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